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Contact us at info@aids2022.org

AIDS 2022 pre-conferences will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, 27 and 28 July, and will be hosted in person at the Palais des congres de Montreal, Canada, as well as virtually.
Pre-conference meetings are open to all registered delegates. In-person attendance is defined by the room capacity of the selected package. In addition, an unlimited number of registered virtual delegates can attend the pre-conference meetings. For those who wish to attend only pre-conferences and not the main conference, pre-conference passes will be available for purchase on the registration page here.
Wednesday, 27 & Thursday, 28 July
HIV/AIDS in the time of global health threats
Organizer: International AIDS Economics Network
This pre-conference provides an opportunity for economists and policy makers to meet and discuss the latest research on a range of economic topics as they relate to HIV and AIDS.
For more information, please visit the International AIDS Economics Network webpage here or the Linkedin page here or send an email to sforsythe@avenirhealth.org
Wednesday, 27 July
United Nations Development Programme Pre-conference
Organizer: United Nations Development Programme
Ending the AIDS epidemic is possible, but a course correction is needed to get the response back on track. Intersecting and deepening inequalities fuel the HIV epidemic, increasing disparities in access and blocking progress, especially for key populations and adolescent girls and young women. The 10-10-10 targets in the Global AIDS Strategy 2021-2026 call on countries to take legal, policy and programmatic measures to address human rights barriers and structural drivers.
This pre-conference spotlights some of the transformative actions needed to confront inequalities, shift social norms, and respect, protect and fulfil human rights in the HIV response. Three interactive sessions will discuss how to strengthen partnerships between LGBTI+ and key population activists in Africa, highlight innovative strategies and tactics to counter discriminatory and punitive laws, including decriminalization, and share good practices to scale up HIV-sensitive social protection for people living with HIV and key populations.
Visit UNDP@AIDS 2022 for more information.
Contact: andrea.nannipieri@undp.org
Getting to the Heart of Stigma
Organizer: IAS – the International AIDS Society
This pre-conference is a thought-leadership symposium seeking to present, discuss and interrogate the state-of-the-field evidence base for HIV-related stigma. It will be a platform to discuss global financial, strategic and programmatic efforts to contextualize, implement and scale up effective stigma reduction and mitigation interventions.
The latest results from a global systematic review will be presented, alongside nuanced national case studies and examples of good practice, to situate the evidence base in day-to-day realities for different communities in specific socio-cultural and policy contexts. The symposium will also feature discussions on current policy guidelines, original global and country-level research, and political documents to guide progress on stigma reduction and mitigation around the world.
For more information, please visit the Heart of Stigma webpage here.
Long, healthy and quality lives through integrated NCD and HIV prevention and care for people living with and affected by HIV
Organizer: NCD Alliance
This pre-conference provides a unique space for the HIV and NCD communities and partners to come together to discuss how to join in efforts and movements and identify catalytic and transformative solutions for achieving the best HIV and health outcomes for affected and vulnerable communities across the globe.
This pre-conference is co-hosted by NCD Alliance, the Quality of Life partnership (including GNP+, STOPAIDS, and Frontline AIDS), UNAIDS, International AIDS Society, The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation. Speakers include a range of high-profile leaders from across the HIV and NCD sectors!
Visit the event webpage for more information.
Thursday, 28 July
2022 95-95-95(-95) targets update
Organizer: International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC)
COVID-19 has put the world even further behind its efforts to end the HIV and AIDS epidemic by 2030. As the Fast-Track era draws to a close, UNAIDS has worked with partners to develop a set of proposed targets for 2025. The UNAIDS 2025 targets call for 95% coverage of a core set of evidence-based HIV services, set clear targets for the removal of societal and legal barriers to accessing services, and emphasize the importance of integrating the HIV response with efforts to achieve universal health coverage of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Most importantly, the UNAIDS 2025 targets address the inequalities on which HIV, COVID-19 and other pandemics thrive and put people at the centre, especially people who are most at risk and marginalized.
This pre-conference session at AIDS 2022 in Montreal focuses on four of the HIV programmatic targets in the UNAIDS Global AIDS Strategy (2021-2026). It will unpack successes and examine challenges to closing HIV testing, prevention, treatment and viral suppression gaps, with equal focus on barriers that jeopardize sustained progress at national and urban levels. This programme has been designed to meet the educational needs of HIV care providers and other healthcare professionals providing HIV care and treatment, such as physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants.
Contact for further information: https://www.iapac.org/conferences/2022-95-95-95-targets-update.
Differentiated service delivery for HIV treatment in 2022
Organizer: IAS – the International AIDS Society
In line with the AIDS 2022 theme, Re-engage and follow science, this pre-conference will spotlight the important role of differentiated service delivery (DSD) in supporting HIV treatment. It will feature esteemed speakers from global normative agencies and funders, ministries of health, networks of people living with HIV, civil society and academia.
Opening presentations will outline the critical role that DSD for HIV treatment played in addressing COVID-19 challenges. Next, speakers will highlight the importance of DSD during periods of transition in response to changes, including age, clinical stability and model preference. The final session will emphasize the importance of differentiation at re-engagement, recognizing the cyclical nature of the HIV treatment cascade and country guidance to support implementation. Opportunities for further innovation will be outlined and attendees asked to engage and contribute to shaping a collaborative way forward.
For more information, please visit the Differentiated Service Delivery webpage here or send an email to dsd@iasociety.org.
For F*ck’s Sake Summit
Organizers: MPact Global
MPact Global is excited to convene the For F*ck’s Sake Summit (FFSS) as an AIDS 2022 pre-conference. This first-of-its-kind summit will be centred around gay sex and sexuality. It will be an opportunity to bring together gay, bisexual and queer men to engage around the complex and intersecting issues related to gay sex.
Participants will gain knowledge, increase their advocacy skills, and be better equipped to meet the various challenges presented by anti-gay policies and cultural norms. The summit will provide a space where gay, bisexual and queer men can foster a stronger sense of community and increase the visibility of the various political and cultural issues connected to sex while reducing anti-sex and anti-gay stigma.
For more information, please visit MPact’s website here or send an email to contact@mpactglobal.org.
U=U Global Summit 2022
Organizer: ASHM on behalf of the U=U Global Summit Coordination Team
This full-day summit will feature over 50 internationally renowned advocates, activists, researchers, healthcare providers and policy makers, brought together to empower and energize the Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U) global movement and enable the transformative potential of U=U. Across seven sessions, participants will explore how U=U greatly improves the lives of people living with HIV and accelerates progress toward ending the HIV and AIDS epidemic.
The interactive sessions will include: “Global best practices and innovations in U=U program and policy development”; “How marginalized communities have adapted the U=U message to serve diverse populations and settings”; “How to flip the U=U script between patients and providers in healthcare settings”; and “The global challenges in advocacy and the law”. The pre-conference will also look at how the U=U message is dismantling HIV stigma, reducing health inequities and improving the quality of life of people living with HIV around the world.
Attendance at this historic U=U Global Summit is strictly limited and pre-registration is required.
Please go to the website here to pre-register and secure your spot. For more information, please contact the Summit Coordinator here.
Youth pre-conference
Organizer: Montreal Youth Force 2022
The youth pre-conference will bring together young activists from around the world in all their diversity to advance the HIV and AIDS response. It will offer a place for young people to convene, network and strengthen the resources necessary to continue youth-related programmatic work, advocacy and research in their respective communities.
The goal of the youth pre-conference is to strengthen youth engagement at AIDS 2022. It also aims to help young people prepare for the main conference and develop advocacy skills, centring on inclusivity, justice and equity. Sessions include a high-level panel , “Youth leadership and strategic advocacy in the context of HIV and AIDS”, a co-creative session, “Build a youth position and briefing for AIDS 2022”, and a session, “Role of youth in the technology agenda”. If you are interested in attending the sessions in person or virtually, please click
For more information, please visit:
- Instagram: here
- Twitter: here
- Facebook: here
- Email: aidsyouthforces@gmail.com
- Website: here