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Contact us at info@aids2022.org

Through community activities, conference organizers aim to engage the community in the lead up to and throughout the conference.
Below, you will find information about community-led events, calls to action, resources and news around AIDS 2022, the 24th International AIDS Conference, in Montreal.
Positive Lounge
The conference organizers will provide spaces in the conference venue to facilitate and support dialogue, discussion and networking. These spaces include a dedicated lounge for delegates living with and affected by HIV from across the globe.
The Positive Lounge is a place to recharge, refresh and relax in a nurturing environment.
View the Positive Lounge services and opening hours:
Educational tours
Educational tours provide delegates with unique learning experiences through site visits to local community-based organizations. The goal is to exchange knowledge, best practices, successes, challenges and innovative solutions through dialogue and hands-on activities.
The daily tours will be hosted throughout Montreal and conference delegates can access them at no charge.
View the tour programme and register:
The theme of AIDS 2022 is re-engage and follow the science. AIDS 2022 will be a pivotal moment to galvanize the scientific, policy and activist communities.
The AIDS 2022 organizers endorse freedom of expression as an essential principle in the response to HIV and in promoting full participation in the International AIDS Conference. Activism and advocacy contribute to advancing commitment, policy and practice aimed at ending the epidemic.
The conference will provide support for dialogue and participation through a team of community activist liaisons who will provide advice and assistance before and during the conference, in accordance with the IAS principles and values of conference participation.
To support online advocacy and activism, AIDS 2022 welcomes the submissions of video messages highlighting why we need to re-engage the HIV response, as well as other important issues, messages and engagement to support and strengthen activism. Selected videos may be featured on the official #AIDS2022Engage campaign page on the AIDS 2022 website and International AIDS Society social media accounts and at AIDS 2022.
Community outreach
As part of the AIDS 2022 Organizing Committee, our civil society partners (GATE, COCQ-SIDA, ASHA Foundation, Y+ Global, GNP+ and ICW) provide guidance and support for the community components of the AIDS 2022 programme.
The aim of the community outreach project is to curate meaningful engagement in the lead up to and throughout the conference. The AIDS 2022 civil society partners represent a diverse and equitable network of key and affected populations. Their outreach projects ensure that a full range of communities and sectors affected by HIV are increasingly engaged in the conference planning and delivery process, which reflects conference values of inclusion, respect and global partnership building.