© Copyright 2022 – 2024 IAS – the International AIDS Society
Contact us at info@aids2022.org

Share your commitment to re-engage the HIV response
The theme of AIDS 2022, the 24th International AIDS Conference, is re-engage and follow the science.
The COVID-19 pandemic has impeded global public health efforts, including those related to HIV. We cannot allow years of progress to be undone or even delayed. We must re-engage the world in a concerted HIV response that follows the science – lives depend on it. AIDS 2022 will be a pivotal moment to galvanize the scientific, policy and activist communities to push the response forward.
At AIDS 2022, we will have a space where delegates, community members and members of the public can view and share stories of why the world needs to re-engage the HIV response and follow the science.
We invite you to join thousands of other people from around the world in participating in our AIDS 2022 social campaign (#AIDS2022Engage) by sharing a short video of what re-engagement means to you.

Share your story
Tell us why and how you think it’s important that we put HIV back on the global agenda in a short video clip and post it to social media using the hashtag, #AIDS2022Engage.
Selected messages may be featured on the official #AIDS2022Engage campaign page on the AIDS 2022 website and International AIDS Society social media accounts and at AIDS 2022.
In your own words:
”My name is [name] from [country] …
- It’s time to re-engage because …
- I call on the world to re-engage and follow the science because …

Campaign guidelines
If you would like your message to be considered for featured promotion, please submit your video by 1 July and comply with the following guidelines:
- The video should be short, no more than 15 seconds.
- It should have good quality sound – please ensure there is minimal background noise.
- The video should include your head and torso.
- Post and share with #AIDS2022Engage.
- Do not include logos or promotional items.
- Please be respectful and comply with the language of the People First Charter.
- All messages must respect core values of the AIDS 2022 organizer, IAS – the International AIDS Society.
- Do not include music unless you explicitly own the rights to use it.
Please note:
- All social posts shared using the #AIDS2022Engage are public. No personal data besides any information you include in your video, social post or public social profile will be shared and no information will be collected. All posts using this hashtag exist in the public space and may potentially be shared by the International AIDS Society or others online.
- By using the hashtag, #AIDS2022Engage, individuals agree to have their social post and corresponding video potentially featured on the official #AIDS2022Engage campaign page on the AIDS 2022 website and IAS social media accounts and at AIDS 2022.
- The IAS and International AIDS Conference are not responsible for the content of any social posts created and shared using #AIDS2022Engage.